Day 12:18 pm
The Information
If we attend to the distinction that made Schacter (1987) implicit or explicit memory – subjects with amnesia does not possess Yes of explicit memory and implicit memory problems. Implicit memory is which is involved in any memory task, requiring no aware of any previous event souvenir. On the other hand, explicit memory requires the memory conscious knowledge learned in a previous experience (equivalent to the episodic). In reference to encoding and retrieval processes, subjects with amnesic problems will present problems depending on which of these processes may be altered. Studies on localization of functions indicate that recovery problems usually appear with lesions of the right frontal and parietal lobes also present in people suffering from Parkinson’s and Huntington-disease, while encoding problems appear with lesion of the left front, which will prevent that they remember facts of his current life. It is usually given in cases of dementia of Alzheimer’s or Korsakoff’s syndrome. Coding alterations generated difficulties both recovery and recognition tasks since the information could not be stored. For more specific information, check out Comedian. Alterations in the recovery allow good execution in recognition tasks but not in the free memory.
Finally, and considering the temporality, permanent or temporary, there are different types: Amn. Temporary, a. post-traumatic, after a State of lack of awareness, the subject shows severe problems of memory, disorientation and confusion. After a period of time, it will be retrieved; Electroconvulsive therapy, after the application of this therapy produces a period of amnesia that will vary depending on the how has administered the treatment; Transient A.Global, due to situations of stress or emotional strong, as a result of a sudden depression of the activity in the hippocampus. It can affect the anterograde – as usual – or the retrograde; A. Psicogena, of psychological origin the less common – being the most usual States of vanishing and cases of multiple personality. AMN. Permanent, Korsakoff syndrome, usually in alcoholic individuals and occurs due to the malnutrition of alcoholism, which produces deficits of thiamine, cause of the syndrome itself.
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