Day 7:18 pm

  • Now Let Alone: Cold In Spite Of

    Granted, especially if outside an icy wind and falling temperatures in the cellar, it’s nowhere as good as inside in the warmth. But we do not bode well so sure our health! It is wet, cold and grey and before you know it it is dark outside already again, because the days are getting shorter. No wonder that this time of year often fails on the mind and runs the immune system only on the back burner. Time to do something about it! If in winter the Sun very early under goes, it quickly comes to a vitamin D deficiency. Because vitamin D can make the body only under the influence of sunlight itself. Therefore you should also if it of uncomfortable out there cold, wrap up warm and get out in the fresh air.

    A few minutes a day is sufficient to prevent a vitamin D deficiency. Another problem is usually all people having pleasure in winter on oily and hearty meals. Quickly, with too little movement, this leads to weight gain and an increased cholesterol levels. Another reason, is not under the warm blanket to bury, but sports is that the movement of fresh air stimulates the immune system and strengthens the cardio vascular system. Also, you may then also like to sin and needs to have a bad conscience after eating cookies or roasting. But what can you do if outweighs the fatigue and the body so no on tours? Dietary supplements on a natural base with many vitamins and herbal and healthy ingredients can restore the body on their toes. Treat such an energy kick yourself and your body and give it a try! Get more information at

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