Day 5:34 am
Coursework and Structure
In terms of academic course work process is one of the most important stages of learning a student chosen specialty. Each course work allows students to demonstrate their knowledge gained after familiarity with a particular part of the learning material. In addition, expanded student's ability to independently research and analyze the material from outside sources, prepare a written report to the assembled and processed material. Evaluates the ability to draw conclusions on the stated problem with the professional point of view and ability to defend these conclusions in the defense of the course work. As a result, we can estimate the knowledge and skills student that he made after studying the materials of a course. In the process of creating a term paper develops the capacity for independent creative work, more in-depth study of a problem Listening theoretical course.
This approach allows us not only to instill students with the skills of independent work, but to prepare him to write a diploma. Any course work begins with a definition of its subject. From selected Topics will depend on further planning work, and coursework are purely theoretical work, and work with the practical part. In the first case, the work plan is rigidly connected to a given topic. In writing plan to work with the practical part of DiplomTaym rules are somewhat different. In this case, the subject of work is bound only the general theory and practical part might require a separate plan, if requested by the rules that exist in your department.
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