Day 8:41 am

  • Next Earth Hour

    Review of the week from 03.22.2010 to 28.03.2010. Russia has moved to 'Daylight Saving' Time On Saturday night, March 28, Russia moved to the 'summer' time – clocks were moved forward one hour. It should be noted that translating the arrows on the 'summer' and 'Winter' time is now about 70 out of 192 countries. For the first time the clock began to translate in order to save energy in the UK in 1908. In Russia, "translated arrow 'forward one hour for the first time in 1917. Specialists note that the transition to the 'summer' in Russia provides an annual savings of about two billion kilowatt-hours and a half million tons of coal. In addition, as estimated by ecologists, because of 'transition time' in the atmosphere falls to less than 50 thousand tons of harmful particles that are released by burning coal, and accumulates in the soil at least 400 tons of slag. However, 'translation of the arrows' hours are also opponents who argue that the transition to the 'summer' and 'Winter' time has a negative impact on human health, especially children and the elderly.

    In November last year, during the annual address to the Federal Assembly, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has proposed reducing the number of time zones in Russia, and his proposal was approved. By order of the Russian government have changed time zones, some Russian regions. For example, the Kemerovo and Samara Region, Udmurtia, Kamchatka Chukotka and not switched on 'summer' time, thus changing its time zone.

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