Study Abroad

  • There are many parents who are currently made this question when deciding the best choice for their children’s education. Study outside of our country can be a very positive experience, but when have it you must take several factors into account if we do not want to become a problem for the child, and in a loss of money and time that ultimately only get worse their school performance. First and most important is to choose the curriculum, country, accommodation (residence, a boarding school, a family, etc.) and the rest of factors depending on the personality of our son. Their tastes, needs and academic concerns must listen to and respect so that, in this way, you leverage experience to 100%. In addition, we must think in what is most appropriate according to their age and academic level.

    You should not send them out when they are still very small and require continuous care from their parents or their school performance is extremely low. In preparing for the trip, is essential to surround himself of professionals from the sector who advise us on all the options we have at our disposal and that, Furthermore, help us solve doubts and inconveniences that may arise. As regards school or educational establishment in which the child go to pursue their studies, parents should ensure it is governed by rules according to the established in our country by the Ministry of education and certification issued can validate without problems in Spain. A summer course or the entire academic year? The period of time that our son goes out may vary. There is the possibility that leaves in the summer to study a language outside for a few weeks or a few months in a group of colonies or with any scholarship that allows you to attend any foreign school. On the other hand, can also choose to send out throughout a course who will perform his regular studies that, high school or University in another country Center.