
  • He is resulted raised of an evaluation. The inquiry moment is that one where it develops a research and that this could continuously be searched by sounding test, interview, atitudinal or mannering comment and developed others in the educative process. Being this the part most important for the psicopedaggico, therefore searchs to discover the causes of educational failure in the life of educating, this search of the problematic one is what it calls of diagnosis. this as objective to know the pupil and its difficulty and reached success. Et affirms (Oliveira. al., 2008, P. 334): A disgnostic evaluation can and must be made at any point that the professor or the school to detect serious problems of learning, motivation, exploitation or others.

    As in the medical diagnosis, we make consultation, preventive regularly and also emergency consultations. She is not necessary to have an illness to look a diagnosis, to the times is enough to one fort suspicion. In this conception the intention of the evaluation psicopedaggico is to help the educator to know its pupil, what they like, its habits, preference, learning and other situations that can hinder the progress it pupil, thus making a selection of the life educating it. ' ' An evaluation if constructs in the attainment and interaction of good number of significant information that we can get of the child, its familiar dynamics and escola' '. Oliveira, 2008, P. 49. Having as intention to provide a base to the pupil with cognitiva support. In this avaliativa form he demands certain instruments that serve solely for the disgnostic evaluation, being that each one of these instruments serves to detect a type of situation, as: Standardized evaluation? This type verifies the rhythm and the level of knowledge of language domain and others. Interview? the interview can be made with the pupil, professor and former-professor, person who orientates, parents and family.