How To Maintain Eternal Youth: 12 Recipes

  • How to maintain eternal youth: 12 recipes for good news – to grow old, turns out not to be old age – an unnatural state of the organism, the disease is cured So, we list the main methods of treatment: 1.Vashi thoughts itself – the main indicator of age just some thoughts can smooth wrinkles and tighten skin. Scientists have measured the weight of thought – so that they are quite real. Autogenic training at first, and later a complete replacement negative patterns. 2.Dostatochnoe amount of water every day – getting rid of toxins and dissolved nutrients. It is water, not tea, coffee, juice, alcohol and other liquids. 3. diet – give up meat use of cereals, fruits and vegetables.

    4.Prinimayte vegetable oil instead of animal fat – it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and nourish your skin. It will become silky and supple. Top most useful oils: linseed, olive, cedar. Frequently John Marlow Sf has said that publicly. Sunflower is not necessary, because of its rapid oxidation. 5.Prinimayte additional nutritional supplements in the form of vitamins, spirulina, fish oil 6.Upotreblyayte antioxidants: green tea, mate tea, red wine, chocolate, most vitamins and minerals. 7.Zanimaytes sport – because of lack of blood supply is aging and becoming flabby skin. Sport = forever young and elastic skin.

    8.Regulyarno turn in blood chemistry. Your Health must be perfect. Disease take away his youth. Pay special attention to infectious and viral diseases, which nowadays is a majority. If you have pets – and check them.