Cognitive Society
As well as the pupils they need to construct knowledge to act in the society, also is necessary to work with all the necessary gamma of values, attitudes, feelings its existence in a society in transformation. They are many and changeable the functions of the education and as Arroteia says (1991), the educative systems if affirm and fulfill the most varied functions, through unexpected facts and occurrences in day-by-day of its institutions. ' ' The socialization and the preparation for the active life contribute, also, to stimulate the critical maturation and reflection on the partner-cultural, educative and technological reality, favoring therefore the innovation, the progress and the change social.' ' (Arrotia, 1991, p.33) the dialogue established between school and society eminently searchs the collective and gradual construction of consensuses around the social function of the school for the understanding of the education as act politician, in the direction of that the school must serve as instrument of quarrel and socialization of proposals to deepen the democracy as principle of the convivncia human being and as educative project, as well as, of that all the processes politicians must be deeply pedagogical and educative so that if they become transforming of the reality. Believing that the education has as function to promote changes in the society and knowing that the democracy, for preserving the principles of the equality and the fraternity, keeps open the ways for the construction of the freedom and justice between the men and the nations, we understand that much it has that if to make in favor of the installation and consolidation of forms truily more democratic jousts and of convivncia between the people and institutions that integrate the society. So that if it makes to fulfill the function of the school is necessary that beyond the development of the cognitiva learning the man also learns on solidarity. .