Spaceland One

  • Mr. Sphere showed Mr. Square by means of indirect experiments that existed what duasdimenses more than, thing inconceivable one to be of Flatland. Mysterious Essesdesaparecimentos and appearances could only be explained fisicamenteatravs of an additional dimension and Mr.

    Sphere arrives to take Mr. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak has much experience in this field. Square for Spaceland, a three-dimensional world. The problem is that Mr. Square alone obtains verbidimensionalmente and everything what it sees in Spaceland is irregular circles, squares, rectangles and forms that appear and disappear in a ritmofrentico to its return. Coming back to the Flatland when counting the occurrence, Mr.Square is jailed and considered an insane person, it thus finishes in pessimistic tone aobra it Abbot clergyman. For we, are similar to the attempt to perceive umuniverso that he more than contains what the three dimensions of space that we naturalmentepercebemos.

    But the truth is that the physics has ahead of itself, in the last times, a series of occurrences experimental that they are of difficult understanding menosque if admits the existence of dimensions adds, as it is the case of chamada’ ‘ no-localidade’ ‘ , or of the strange phenomenon that binds to two distant particles noespao without no apparent reason or any cause that obeys the Euclidean racionalidadecartesiana and. The call bending of the space, idea that foraproposta for Einstein, had experimental confirmation in the analysis of the shunting line that aluz of a distant star suffers when next passing to another star before to dechegar until us. The bodies of great mass have the capacity to bend the space eessa are one of the explanations for a series of gravitational effect.