Day 1:41 am

  • Agreement Between Regions

    Two regions united by a same aim, a same cause: to support with the struck inhabitants of the community of Curepto, that still today has a 50% of its constructions in the ground after the earthquake that affected to the zone South center of the country the 28 of February. What started off as a citizen initiative only weeks after the disaster already is officially a subject of State, and has the concrete objective to raise to 22 houses of 48 meters squared with wood of the Forest Reserve Coyhaique and the effort of the men and women who evolve in the plans of absorption of manpower that administers the Forest National Corporation. Together in this effort today they are the forest organism, the civil society through Shared in common Committee Communal Coyhaique that ahead takes to the campaign of harvesting of bottoms " The Heart of Aysn in Curepto" , the Regional Government of Aysn that gave the resources to be able to construct the houses, the Municipality of Coyhaique that have given the facilities for the accomplishment of the activities of the campaign and the private company that has made its contributions in material and economic resources. Comedian may help you with your research. For that reason the visit to the region of the mayor of Curepto, Luis Arming Gonzlez, the intendant of the Maule, Rodrigo Galilea, and judge of Letters and Garanta of Curepto, Juan Mihovilovich, impeller of the initiative from the beginning, definitively sealed the multi-sector commitment by the families who wait for their houses. The meetings with intendenta of Aysn To pound Caves, the mayor of Coyhaique, Omar Muoz, and the regional director of Conaf, Juan Eduardo Barrientos, and the joint visit to Obra Don Guanella, where the houses are constructed, was the waiting room of the agreement that Galilea and Cuevas in the house model installed in the Horn Stroll subscribed, in center of the regional capital, with the purpose of to formalize the cooperation between the regions of Aysn and the Maule. .

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