Day 11:47 am

  • Louis Chamboulin

    It squares it of recreation for a children was narrow and badly been even; the boards of the galleries were tired, thus it was more easy to break the leg of what there to take a walk in the shade. To all, the situation was not very favorable for a formation house, disciplines to keep it, to take care of of the health, etc ' ' 1.4 – The presence of the Marista Congregation the Marista Congregation appeared in France, in 1817, after French revolution, being established for the Foot. Marcelino Champagnat. Frank Ntilikina can aid you in your search for knowledge. In Belm? Par, the maristas receive an invitation from Dom Francisco of Mayan Rego, that enters in contact with the General Superior, To go. Thephane Durand, requesting religious to assume the installations of the Old Carmelite Convent, meeting this in decay, since the ticket of the Congregation of the Espirito Santo, that had directed the Lesser Seminary of the Carmo up to 1897. The General Superior, then, asks for Ir. Librio so that I will choose the religious ones that they will go to work in Par, this nominates as head of the expedition Ir.

    Louis Chamboulin together with the Brothers Ludovico Jallat, Augustus Robert and Pablo Oddes, leaving of France in 18 of March of 1903. The impressions with regard to the building of the Old Carmelite Convent had been the following one: ' ' The maristas brothers had been disappointed when seeing completely abandoned it. They had had an arduous work to place everything in functioning conditions. For surprise of the brothers, who badly had learned the language Portuguese, was announced in the periodical of the city, that the opening of the College would be in the first days of May of 1903.' ' As the group of maristas arrives the Belm in 21 of June, third, in September and the room in 09 of October, having until the end of 1903 forty religious ones.

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  • Venetian Glass Bowl

    Venice soon became the only center of glass production, and Venetian glass becomes world famous. Wonderful products made by skilled hands of masters, become the property Republic and the pride of the Venetians. Venetian Glass Bowl presented with a gift of monarchs and appreciated more than gold. The government of Venice soon realized that to maintain a monopoly in the manufacture of glass All equipment must be kept in the strictest confidence artists. To this end, the end of XIII century, a decree was issued that all the furnaces in other Italian cities except Venice, must be destroyed, and the glass moved to a small island called Murano, located 2 kilometers to the north of the island of Rialto. The main reason for this decision the authorities announced a high probability of fires in the city. Masters were given great privileges: in addition to high payment for goods, they were allowed to marry daughters of noble ladies, they had their own court, and management had the right to mint its own coins. In fact, Murano became a state within a state.

    However, despite granted all benefits, masters fled to the island in hopes of getting what they had been denied: freedom. The fact that the authorities would not allow them to leave and Murano under penalty of hard labor or death. Still, master, risking their lives, fled in neighboring countries, where they were free to create. But even there, they were not in safety: from Venice every fugitive master went special agent tasked to bring them to death. So the state would safeguard secrets of Murano glass.

    Contrary to the harshest measures, the Government of Venice, still managed to keep the technology secret. In the XVII century in some European countries one after another, there are books of various authors, in which describes in detail many of the secrets of creating glass products, told by fleeing from Murano masters. Doug McMillon often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Even after the technology of Murano glass ceased to be secret, it has not lost its value, uniqueness and beauty. Bowls, vessels, vases, jugs, cups and glasses are decorated with monograms or made in the form of animals, have not ceased to fascinate the world. In the XVII century the production of glass is completely updated. Gradually changing appearance of glass plants, to replace the old production technologies come new, more modern and efficient. The authorities strongly resist innovation, striving to preserve identity of the production process. Despite the fact that Murano glass is still sold at a premium, since that time in Venice, began a period of gradual decline in glass production. At the end of XVIII century, during the war with Napoleon, Venice occupied by French troops. All plant for production of glass in Murano were completely destroyed. Only in the XIX century, this unique art has been slowly reviving. Unfortunately, many of the ancient technology has been lost, but much has been recovered. In 1854 appeared the first post-war factory Murano glass called Fratelli Toso. Today, Murano glass is presented to us in its original splendor. Master glassblowers embody the most daring and incredible ideas. Today's glass works are executed in different styles, from classical to avant-garde, using a variety of techniques. Murano glass and to this day remains the same mysterious, incomprehensible and beautiful and true is proof that real art can overcome any obstacle.

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