Day 10:33 pm

  • Cinnamon Apple

    1 teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, yogurt a content of fat, 50 ml of skimmed milk, cinnamon, the liquid sweetener. Mix all in Blender. Strawberry mousse. 1 package gelatin strawberry, strawberries, 12 and yogurt Strawberry. Pour into a bowl and beat. cream of yogurt. A yogurt fruit and egg white (of snow). Mix everything together and add sweetener to taste.

    Strawberry shake. 100 g of strawberries, 1-fat natural yogurt. Mix everything in a blender and add sweetener to taste. Cinnamon Apple. 150 g of Apple, cinnamon and dust. Peel the Apple and place in a saucepan with water (a cup) with a cinnamon stick and bring to a boil.

    Remove and let cool in the refrigerator. To serve, add the cinnamon and sweetener to taste. Home desserts light itself which can make low versions life calorie desserts. Simply substitute the sugar with sweetener, versions of fat by your, jams of such light, the margarine with olive oil and fat saturated without ingredients high in calories (dried fruit, butter, cream, cream cheese, cream of the industry). The eggs can be reduced in most of the desserts, and are also softer. The best baked desserts fried. Some ideas: sorbet meringue. Refreshing, light, delicious and digestive system. Ingredients: 1 litre of skimmed milk, 3 egg whites, 250 g of type of sweetener Canderel, lemon peel, cinnamon in branch and powder. Preparation: Boil the milk with the peel of lemon, cinnamon, and a sweetener 200 g for 5 min. Remove from the heat. Meanwhile, until the snow with a few drops of lemon egg whites, add 50 g of sweetener and little by little cold milk is poured through a strainer. Store in the freezer. To serve, sprinkle with cinnamon. gelatin Macedonia. A dessert of vitamins, low in calories and easy to digest. Ingredients: 1 envelope gelatin, 1 Tangerine, strawberry, 4 or 5, 1 kiwi, mango, papaya, average, or median, lemon juice and orange juice, mint leaves.

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