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  • German College

    Exactly “for this reason the course program active life after cancer” developed with a focus on health-enhancing physical activity in the framework of cooperation of the German University and the National Center for tumor diseases. The initial course active life after cancer”combines theory with practice units and offered starting fall 2013 by selected fitness and health facilities. Currently just the last pilot phase was completed, involved companies in the Saarland. German College: studying in the future market currently prevention, fitness, sports and health qualify already about 4,000 aspiring professionals and executives with a degree at the German University of prevention and health management ( for responsible activities in the market of the future. The Bachelor’s degree combines a correspondence course with compact periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide), a training in a company Austria or of Switzerland. In the wake of a Bachelor / diploma or Master’s degree is a Bachelor to master of Arts”prevention and health management.

    A study registration at the State-approved University or College can be done all year round. “” More active life after cancer”: alnk baths and Rehatour: Baden-Wurttemberg/de/content /6_Wir_ueber_uns/Unternehmen/Unternehmensprofil/Nachrichten/Rehatour/Rehatour2013.html charity regatta rowing against cancer” next Sunday for the fourth time the charity regatta is rowing against cancer on 8 September 2013 “held on the Neckar meadow new home in Heidelberg, Germany. This year is also the Olympic gold medal, decorated Germany aft at the start. This event is organised by the Foundation living with cancer”, the National Center for tumor diseases (NCT) of Heidelberg and the Heidelberg 1898 rowing society e.V. (RGH). The proceeds go the program of movement and cancer”of the NCT to. Among other things is the German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) as a promoter on. for more information studied at the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG) students to specialists and executives for the growth market qualify prevention, fitness, and health. “The Bachelor degree programmes: sports economics, fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close with the degree Bachelor of Arts” from. In addition, a master’s degree in the study of prevention and health management is offered, connecting a correspondence course with attendance phases. In addition, there are College continuing education, with which professionals in selected subject areas can acquire practical knowledge. Professionally highly qualified people”can be approved without high school diploma/qualification to the Bachelor’s degree be. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. Now already more than 4,000 aspiring specialists and executives for the industry of the future (as of July 2013) study at the University. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, a registration for the master’s in for summer – / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and State-approved.

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